Having a happy and healthy relationship is complex, and both of you have to be honest, responsible, and always ready for a sacrifice related to some habits like going out with friends too much and many other things. A quality relationship requires you to be open to sharing everything, not having secrets, and to find a way to communicate and lay up heads together about everything.
In the modern era of technology, things got changed when it comes to meeting new people, which became much easier with social networks and dating apps. However, the side-effect of that is the rise of insecurity and trust issues for many people. Our advice is to erase your dating app when you find a partner using it because even if you never used it again, your partner could thing how you are still using it, which is a big issue.
Many people agree that keeping a steady relationship is hard. However, when you respect and love your partner, every problem can be solved easily. If you are truly interested in committing yourself to someone, you will try to best possible ways to succeed in that, and show to your partner all of your best virtues. Here are the 10 most important ways to keep your relationship healthy.
1. Pay Attention on Small Things

Sometimes, buying just one flower for your girlfriend could make her day much better. Also, no matter how stressed you are, never try to transmit your negativity to your partner by your behavior. Instead, try to talk about problems in a more civilized way. Moreover, be a gentleman, surprise her with breakfast, coffee in the bad, or something specific she likes. These small things can help you to be much more comfortable with each other.
2. Be More Intimate
There are many benefits of having an active sexual life like reduced anxiety, lower blood pressure, and, most importantly, improved intimacy and confidence. Many therapists recommend couples to have sex every day because it can significantly strengthen the relationship. Besides, there are ways to avoid monotony and try some new things. You can check sextoysaver.co.uk, which is an online store full of various products that could improve your intimate life.
Or if you are not into it, you might go one step at a time. First, get some sexy lingerie from hauteflair.com and then you can move one step forward with the toys.
3. Communication

The crucial part of every healthy relationship is honest and trustful communication between partners and sharing everything on their minds. A proper productive conversation can solve almost every possible problem. Also, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid any sort of dispute. However, both of you must try to resolve the problem together and find the best solution.
4. Travel Together
One of the best ways of establishing a healthy relationship is to go on a romantic trip. That does not mean that you must go to Paris, Bali, or some other popular destination, which would be amazing, but going on a frequent short trip over the weekend could have even better outcomes. For example, instead of laying home over the weekend watching movies and TV shows, you could change the routine, and go to the nearest spa center, national park, or some lake.
5. Try to Improve Tolerance

Nobody is perfect, and we all must be aware of that fact. If there is anything specific about your partner that especially annoys you, our advice is to speak with her about the problem and try to resolve it, or to get over it if that is possible. Most of us have some personal habits that might annoy other people, but that should never be a reason for a fight. Almost every situation can be resolved when both of you are being tolerant and honest with each other.
6. Go to the Gym Together
When you are exercising with your girlfriend, you will feel more motivated to express yourself and have better progress in your training. Also, both of you will feel much happier and satisfied with both your relationship, the connection between you, and improved self-confidence, which is crucial for every aspect of a healthy relationship.
7. Try to Express Your Happiness

Try to never take your partner for granted. If you are in love with your partner, you should try to make every day to be a new memory for both of you. You should laugh with each other, and express your happiness and love. You will see how relaxing and helpful it is after a stressful day to come home and see your partner trying to cheer you up.
8. Eat Together
Taking her on a dinner from time to time is a nice thing. However, you should share every meal during the day. For example, making breakfast together is a great way for both of you to create a better connection. Also, you can motivate each other to have a healthier diet. Surprising your partner with a late dinner or even some snacks is a kind way to express your love and commitment.
9. Try to Avoid Routine

Routine is a state of the relationship on the level where two of you got too much used of each other, which might represent a problem since you or your partner might feel bored and uninterested. Adding something new to the relationship is a great way to kill the routine, and you should implement that on every part of the relationship, and we mean on vacations, intimacy, dinner time, conversation. The best way of keeping a healthy relationship is to always thrive to surprise her and express your feelings.
10. To ‘Sleep Over the Problem’ is not a Solution
This is the usual problem for many couples and many people are suppressing some of their feelings and thoughts in order to keep a steady relationship or avoiding any conflict. However, things could culminate on that level where you or your partner could hold so many of his thoughts and arguments, which in the end, could potentially become a bigger disagreement and possible breakup. The best way to prevent this scenario would be to try to always be honest with your partner and never suppress what you are really thinking. Try to share your opinions and create the best possible solution for both of you.