California is is the state on the west coast of the United States with a population of 40.02 million in 2024. The population is divided into a few large cities; Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose. The projection is that the population in California will surpass 50 million by 2050.
California Area and Population Density
The population density in California is on the 11th place on the countries’ list, which means it has 251.3 per square mile. A yearly growth rate for this country is 61% but this growth rate has slowed in the past few years.
California Gender and Religion Statistics
The average age in California is 36 years, and the population is being 50.3% female and 49.6%, male. When we talk about religion, 63% of Californians are Christian faith, 9% non-Christian faith, and 27% are unaffiliated individuals.
The Growth of the population in California

California has a quite big gap between the birth and death rate and because of that, it developed a healthy natural growth of the population. In numbers it looks like this, between 2000 and 2009, it had 5,058,440 births and 2,179,958 deaths which gave a result of 3,090,016 natural growth.
One of the major factors for the population in California is immigration, from the days of the Gold Rush to the present day. You should also know that approximately 6.3% of California’s population is made from illegal immigrants.
In 1850 California has joined the State as the 31st country. Before becoming part of the United States on September 9, 1850, California was the part of Mexico.
It is noticed the fast growth of the population from 2010 to 2016, the growth above the average. If we look back in the history in 1850 there were just 92,597 people living in California, but then cam the famous Golden rush and the population recorded rise of over 300% to 379,994.
The years after World War II was also crucial for the population in California, the population has been growing exponentially since then. In 1970 California was the most populous state in the United States, everyone wants to live here. It was even much popular than in New York. For the past fifty years, this is the biggest country when it comes to people.
California Population in 2024

The situation with California’s population is much different from the last year; this is the new trend, 130,000 more people left California and move to other states in 2018 and 2024. the reasons are the high costs of living. The most residents who are moving out are people without a college degree because they are not enough paid for their work and they can not afford everyday expenses. They all move from California to Texas to find cheaper conditions for everyday life. Most of them move to Oakland.
In the past 15 years, California is facing the loss of population, and that trend is still up-to-date. The overall population of the country does not change because the number of births is still higher than the deaths, plus 185,00 immigrants came to California in the past few years.
The only kind of people that move in, not move out from California is people with the advanced college degree, adults, older than 25 because they have good opportunities for work.
When it comes to California, education is closely related to income, the higher the degree you have, you will find a better-paid job.
The living expenses are the main reason why California is losing population these days. In most cases, Texas is their new home because it is much cheaper for living. California is losing the younger population and that is the main problem, older people are holding in one place. If the everyday costs of life are cheaper the young people without a college degree will not consider moving out of this beautiful country, but they do not have reason to stay.